ReHash - Console-Based Hash Calculator v.1.0 ReHash is an easy-to-use console-based hash calculation tool written in C++.Rabin Hash Function v.2.0 Provides efficient, effective implementations of 32- and 64-bit hash functions based on Rabin fingerprints / irreducible polynomials, in Java.The most important features are: POP3/IMAP/SMTP support, reading/writing/replying/forwarding mails, SSL support, multimedia attachments.
#Utility for checker xml mac portable
Mobile Mail Checker v.1.0 Mobile Mail Checker is a mail client for portable devices: java phones/smartphones/PDAs.It is intended primarily as a programmer's aid, when writing programs based on these databases. It performs simple operations on them insert new records, remove records, list records etc. Hash Database Manager v.0.02 A program to manage hash databases gdbm databases etc.This has GUI developed in java swings.All it needs is sun jre. Hash Calculator v.1.3 This is a Hash Calculating tool that calculates MD2,MD5,SHA-1,SHA-256,SHA-384,SHA-512 hash of text or a file.As of this writing filetypechecker supports doc, rtf, xls, pdf, jpg, jpeg, and gif. File Type Checker v.1.0 File Type Checker checks the file data to determine the actual file type.It is useful, for example, if a questionable site has a link to your site, and you do not wish their. Referrer Checker II Referrer Checker II offers users a small yet practical script that blocks access to the current page from visitors derived from specific URLs.Use this script if you wish to allow surfers to enter a page. If its not the specified URL, the surfer is denied access.
#Utility for checker xml mac professional